Google Associate Android Developer Practice Test - Questions Answers

List of questions
Question 1

What is a correct part of an Implicit Intent for sharing data implementation?
Create the text message with a string
val sendIntent = Intent().apply { action = Intent.ACTION_SEND putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, textMessage) type = "text/plain" }
Question 2

By default, the notification's text content is truncated to fit one line. If you want your notification to be longer, for example, to create a larger text area, you can do it in this way:
Question 3

Select correct demonstration of WorkRequest cancellation.
Working with WorkManager, from the 2018 Android Dev Summit
WorkManager: Beyond the basics, from the 2019 Android Dev Summit
Question 4

In general, you should send an AccessibilityEvent whenever the content of your custom view changes. For example, if you are implementing a custom slider bar that allows a user to select a numeric value by pressing the left or right arrows, your custom view should emit an event of type TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED whenever the slider value changes. Which one of the following sample codes demonstrates the use of the sendAccessibilityEvent() method to report this event.
Question 5

The easiest way of adding menu items (to specify the options menu for an activity) is inflating an XML file into the Menu via MenuInflater. With menu_main.xml we can do it in this way:
Question 6

Android Tests. You can use the childSelector() method to nest multiple UiSelector instances. For example, the following code example shows how your test might specify a search to find the first ListView in the currently displayed UI, then search within that ListView to find a UI element with the text property Apps. What is the correct sample?
Question 7

The following code snippet shows an example of an Espresso test:
Question 8

As an example. In an Activity we have our TimerViewModel object (extended ViewModel), named mTimerViewModel. mTimerViewModel.timer method returns a
LiveData<Long> value. What can be a correct way to set an observer to change UI in case if data was changed?
Question 9

LiveData.postValue() and LiveData.setValue() methods have some differences. So if you have a following code executed in the main thread:
liveData.postValue("a"); liveData.setValue("b");
What will be the correct statement?
Question 10

In our TeaViewModel class, that extends ViewModel, we have such prorerty: val tea: LiveData<Tea>
An observer in our Activity (type of mViewModel variable in example is TeaViewModel) is set in this way:
mViewModel!!.tea.observe(this, Observer { tea: Tea? -> displayTea(tea) })
What will be a correct displayTea method definition?