BCS BAPv5 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 7
List of questions
Question 61

A company produces kitchens to order. Customers specify the design of the kitchen by using a computer-aided design tool, provided on the company's website. The tool allows customers to select products, such as cabinets and cookers, and place them into a floor plan of the kitchen that they have specified.
Once the customer confirms the design, an order is placed and the customer is given a planned installation date for the kitchen. The company orders the raw materials for the kitchen and the kitchen is built by its skilled carpenters The customer can track the progress of the build on the Internet. If the kitchen Is likely to be delivered later than originally promised, a control action is taken to bring it back on schedule
A Business Activity Model (BAM) developed for the company has 'sell bespoke kitchens' as its doing activity.
Which of the following activities would be directly linked by a logical dependency arrow to or from this doing activity?
Question 62

George and Laura are responsible for the marking strategy in a company vinyl records and cassette tapes online.
George feels that the company should focus its marking solely on people aged over 50, who are nostalgic for these older recording medi
a. He also feels that the company should outsource all marketing activity.
Laura believes that the business should continue with its target of people aged 30-60. As this age group are particularly enthusiastic about vinyl records. She believes that marketing is one of their internal strengths and should remain in house
Which specific areas of CATWOE are they considering?
Question 63

A business analyst has been assigned to help develop a plan for expanding a business that produces software for mobile phones and has interview he managing director to understand his perspective regarding the expansion. The managing director's worldview is as follows:
''The purpose of our business is to develop and sell software for mobile phones. The expansion will enable us to increase the amount of software we procedure, so we can keep pace with the growing demand of the market for software that is easy to use.''
Which of the following is a 'transformation' for this worldview?
Question 64

Marketing is primarily concerned with the 4Ps: product, promotion, price and price. The institute of Analysis (IoA) offers qualification in system analysis. A number of interviews have been held with senior stakeholders, including the marketing Manager. Here are two five of the activities that have been identified by stakeholders:
a) Agree new qualifications.
b) Upgrade the website.
c) Recruit new examiners.
d) Register candidates.
e) Analyze website activity.
Which of these activities would reflect the business perspective of the Marketing Manager of the loA?
Question 65

The following planning activity has been identified in a consensus BAM for a company that makes clothes:
'P4 - Define marketing strategy'
Which of the following is an enabling activity linked to this planning activity?
Question 66

A local council wishes to improve its housing allocation process. The following notes were made by the head of housing about the current process.
Housing application decision are made using a set of criteria based on a range of factors, including the length of time application has been on the waiting list and the number of dependents they have. The criteria by the council housing committee, who meet on a regular basis and seek to ensure that the criteria continue to enable effective housing allocation.
Occasionally, legislation ensuring protection for the most vulnerable people in our society can affect the criteria, as can changes issued by central government concerning practical issues, such as building regulations?
Which of the following types(s) of business rule has been described in this extract?
Question 67

A business case features a management summary, from which the below extract is taken:
'The new approach will incur significant investment in terms of software licenses and annual maintenance fees, which will not be negotiable until year four of the proposal. We will research competing suppliers in the marketplace at end of year three, the supplier will, therefore, be likely to otter a reduced price for year five and beyond. However, we are convinced that the selected option is the right one. It will give us a competitive edge as a result of improved management information, in addition to the boost it will give to our image with our established customers.'
Which categories of costs and benefits are described in this extract*?
Question 68

A Business Analyst and a project Manager are producing a business case for an initiative, which aims to improve the cyber defense of a large financial services provider.
They met recently to review progress, and made the following notes for the next draft:
The benefits of cyber will be describes in quantitative terms, so we will need to describe these
We need to make it clear that we have fully explored the solution market, and we have considered a range of approaches to meeting the objectives of this project.
The threat posed to the organization from cyber attack, and therefore the justification for the project, needs to be clearly articulated.
Which of the following sets of elements of a business case will cover ALL of these points?
Question 69

A company has decided to change one of its financial Key Performance indicators (KPIs). It has traditionally measured profit through its gross profit margin, however, it now wishes to measure It through it Return on Capital Employed (ROCE).
The following activities are on the consensus Business Activity Model (BAM)
a) Take control action
b) Monitor performance targets
c) Define performance targets.
d) Define target customers
Which of these would the event 'amend KPI' affect?
Question 70

An airline has agreed that the following Key performance indicator (KPI) will help measure one of the airline's Critical Success Factors (CSFs) --customer service. The KPI is the percentage of customers rating our service as excellent in an independently administrator customer survey.
In the current year, the performance objective associated with KPI is 70%. The airline, therefore, aims for at least 70% of customers rating its service as excellent.
Which of the following activities in a Business Activity Model would establish whether the KPI and its associated performance objective is being achieved?