iSQI CTAL-ATT Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 8

List of questions
Question 71

Which of the following is a primary goal for refactoring test cases?
Question 72

From these results, what can you conclude about the TDD process?
Question 73

**You have been given the following story:
As a shopper
I want to scan my membership card
So that I get all the discounts I'm entitled to receive
Which of the following is the correct use of BDD to design test scenarios?**
Question 74

**You have received this BDD test:
Given that a customer enters the correct PIN
When they request to make a withdrawal
And they have enough money in their account
Then they will receive the money
And a receipt
Which of the following is the user story that best fits this BDD test?**
Question 75

What technique should you implement that would help to further define the product owner's expectations and alleviate the issues that are arising during the showcases?
Question 76

Which of the following is the preferred way to solicit information from the product owner to better understand what will be ''acceptable''?
Question 77

Your organization has been making animal food dispensers for free-range chickens and has been using a combination of test automation, exploratory testing, and some black-box testing on all products. The company has been using the following approach to the testing of the high-risk items:
Exploratory testing = 85%
Black-box testing = 15%
Test automation = coverage goal is 25% but time is only allocated to automation if no other testing is needed, so the coverage is currently about 5% and the automation suite is run only infrequently.
The company has decided to modify their product and use it for pill dispensing for pharmacies. Regardless of the mechanical challenges of this modification, you now have to determine how testing should be adjusted for this safety-critical application. Which of the following would follow the guidelines in the syllabus for the testing approach for the high-risk items?
Question 78

You are testing a large e-commerce system for household goods that is being implemented using Agile methodologies. You are currently working on deriving tests for stories that are implementing the following epic:
As a customer, I want to use the e-commerce system, so that I can have my purchased goods delivered to my house.
The story you are currently working on is: As a customer, I want to be told how many items I need to purchase, so I can receive free shipping.
Which of the following is an appropriate test charter for this story?
Question 79

You are testing a large e-commerce system for household goods that is being implemented using Agile methodologies. You are currently working on deriving tests for stories that are implementing the following epic:
As a customer, I want to use the e-commerce system, so that I can have my purchased goods delivered to my house.
The story you are currently working on is:
As a customer, I want to be told when my items will be delivered, so I can plan to be home.
You have been given the following charter that was proposed by another tester for testing this story:
Login as a customer, buy enough of each item to qualify for free shipping for each item, checkout, and verify that no shipping fee has been added.
What is the main flaw in this charter?
Question 80

Consider the following section of pseudocode:
function getPassword() {
var x;
var y;
var z;
var passwordGood = false
// Get password from user, user is allowed 3 tries
do until x = 3
call getPassword (password)
if password is good
x = 3
passwordGood = true
X = X + 1
display ''Password is not valid, try again''
If passwordGood <> true
display ''You exceeded the number of tries to enter a password. Your account is now locked. Call customer service.''
For this section of code, which of the following issues should be identified during a code review?
Variables have not been properly defined with meaningful names
There are unused variables defined
Divisors are not tested for zero
Loop counters are not properly initialized
There are endless loops
There are statements within the loop that should be outside the loop