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ABA CTFA Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 22

List of questions

Question 211

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Saving for vacation next summer or paying off small debts are examples of ?

opportunity planning
opportunity planning
short-term goals
short-term goals
long-term goals
long-term goals
opportunity results
opportunity results
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Anu V
35 questions

Question 212

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Spending, saving and investing to have the kind of life you want and financial security can be achieved by?

Personal financial planning
Personal financial planning
Paying interest
Paying interest
Discussing your financial situation with a friend
Discussing your financial situation with a friend
Regulating inflation
Regulating inflation
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Pavel Tylich
43 questions

Question 213

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__________ is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.

Financial management
Financial management
Profit maximization
Profit maximization
Agency theory
Agency theory
Social responsibility
Social responsibility
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Dinuka Darshana
45 questions

Question 214

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Jensen and Meckling showed that __________ can assure themselves that the __________ will make optimal decisions only if appropriate incentives are given and only if the __________ are monitored.

Principals; agents; agents
Principals; agents; agents
Agents; principals; principals
Agents; principals; principals
Principals; agents; principals
Principals; agents; principals
Agents; principals; agents
Agents; principals; agents
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
xingrui li
40 questions

Question 215

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Which of the following statements is not correct regarding earnings per share (EPS) maximization as the primary goal of the firm?

EPS maximization ignores the firm's risk level
EPS maximization ignores the firm's risk level
EPS maximization does not specify the timing or duration of expected EPS
EPS maximization does not specify the timing or duration of expected EPS
EPS maximization naturally requires all earnings to be retained
EPS maximization naturally requires all earnings to be retained
EPS maximization is concerned with maximizing net income
EPS maximization is concerned with maximizing net income
Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
Daniel Adebayo
47 questions

Question 216

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Which of the following is not a perquisite (perk)?

Company-provided automobile
Company-provided automobile
Expensive office
Expensive office
Country club membership
Country club membership
Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Christophe Troessaert
41 questions

Question 217

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What is the most important of the three financial management decisions?

Asset management decision
Asset management decision
Financing decision
Financing decision
Investment decision
Investment decision
Accounting decision
Accounting decision
Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Jose Alberto Vecino Pacheco
38 questions

Question 218

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How are earnings per share calculated?

Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the previous period's earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously calculated value
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the previous period's earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously calculated value
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the number of common shares outstanding
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the number of common shares outstanding
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the number of common and preferred shares outstanding
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the number of common and preferred shares outstanding
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the forecasted period's earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously calculated value
Use the income statement to determine earnings after taxes (net income) and divide by the forecasted period's earnings after taxes. Then subtract 1 from the previously calculated value
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Venish Arumugam
41 questions

Question 219

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The __________ decision involves a determination of the total amount of assets needed, the composition of the assets, and whether any assets need to be reduced, eliminated, or replaced.

asset management
asset management
Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Jay Fletcher
53 questions

Question 220

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You need to understand financial management even if you have no intention of becoming a financial manager. One reason is that the successful manager of the not-too-distant future will need to be much more of a __________ who has the knowledge and ability to move not just vertically within an organization but horizontally as well. Developing __________ will be the rule, not the exception.

Specialist; specialties
Specialist; specialties
Generalist; general business skills
Generalist; general business skills
Technician; quantitative skills
Technician; quantitative skills
Team player; cross-functional capabilities
Team player; cross-functional capabilities
Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
john lopez
32 questions
Total 895 questions
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