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ABA CTFA Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 35

List of questions

Question 341

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A method of calculating interest by computing finance charges on the original loan balance and then adding the interest to that balance.

Rule of 78s
Rule of 78s
Add-on method
Add-on method
Credit life
Credit life
Pre-paypment penalties
Pre-paypment penalties
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Ahmed Alghadeer
33 questions

Question 342

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Credit life or disability insurance is:

A type of insurance in which the coverage decreases at the same rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage decreases at the same rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage increases at the same rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage increases at the same rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage decreases at an inverse rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage decreases at an inverse rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage decreases at the half rate as the loan balance
A type of insurance in which the coverage decreases at the half rate as the loan balance
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Pieter Louw
46 questions

Question 343

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Sometimes, as a condition of receiving an installment loan, a borrower is required to buy credit life insurance. From borrower's perspective, credit life insurance not a good deal because:

Its very costly
Its very costly
It does little more than give lenders a lucrative source of income
It does little more than give lenders a lucrative source of income
It increases market interest charges
It increases market interest charges
It increases inflation
It increases inflation
Suggested answer: A, B
asked 16/09/2024
S Muchobor
42 questions

Question 344

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An activity that reduces the probability that a loss will occur is called:

Risk avoidance
Risk avoidance
Loss Control
Loss Control
Loss prevention
Loss prevention
Insurance policy
Insurance policy
Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Danilo Omaljev
39 questions

Question 345

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Loss control is an activity that:

Avoid the act that would create loss
Avoid the act that would create loss
Lessens the severity of loss once it occurs
Lessens the severity of loss once it occurs
Lessens the severity of loss after its occurrence
Lessens the severity of loss after its occurrence
None of these
None of these
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Jhonatan Abril
33 questions

Question 346

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Underwriting directly affects an insurance company's chances of success. If underwriting standards are too high, then people will be unjustly denied insurance converge and insurance sales will:

Boost up
Boost up
Remain same
Remain same
Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Samer Chaar
30 questions

Question 347

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Just as with other aspects of personal financial planning, life insurance decision can be made easier by following a step-by-step approach. You will need to answer some questions. Which of the following is/are Not out of those questions?

Do you need life insurance?
Do you need life insurance?
If so, how much life insurance do you need?
If so, how much life insurance do you need?
Which type of life insurance is best?
Which type of life insurance is best?
What risk factor can affect the final decision?
What risk factor can affect the final decision?
Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
Saeed Awwad
50 questions

Question 348

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Life insurance is intangible. You can't see, smell, touch or taste its benefits and those benefits mainly happen when someone is died. However, life insurance does have some important benefits that should not be ignored in the financial planning process. Which of the following is out of those benefits?

Protection from debtors
Protection from debtors
Financial protection from dependents
Financial protection from dependents
Vehicle for savings
Vehicle for savings
Interest benefit
Interest benefit
Suggested answer: B, C
asked 16/09/2024
rita whitfield
49 questions

Question 349

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A method of determining the amount of life insurance coverage needed by multiplying gross annual earnings by some selected number is called:

Multiple of earnings method
Multiple of earnings method
Need analysis method
Need analysis method
Tax saving method
Tax saving method
Whole life coverage
Whole life coverage
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Marcin Piotrowski
42 questions

Question 350

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According to multiple of earnings method, the rule of thumb used by many insurance agents is that your insurance coverage should be equal to 5 to 10 times your current income. For example, if you currently earn $70,000 a year, using the multiple of earning method then you need between:

$300,000 and $700,000 life insurance
$300,000 and $700,000 life insurance
$400,000 and $700,000 life insurance
$400,000 and $700,000 life insurance
$390,000 and $800,000 life insurance
$390,000 and $800,000 life insurance
$350,000 and $700,000 life insurance
$350,000 and $700,000 life insurance
Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
38 questions
Total 895 questions
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