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DELL D-PSC-MN-01 Practice Test 1

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What are the required settings when using terminal emulation software to connect to a Dell EMC PowerScale Gen 5 node?

Transfer Rate = 57.600, Data Bits = 8, Parity = 1, Stop Bits = 0, Flow Control = Software

Transfer Rate = 57.600, Data Bits = 8, Parity = 1, Stop Bits = 0, Flow Control = Software

Transfer Rate = 115.200, Data Bits = 8, Parity = None, Stop Bits = 1, Flow Control = Hardware

Transfer Rate = 115.200, Data Bits = 8, Parity = None, Stop Bits = 1, Flow Control = Hardware

Transfer Rate = 57.600, Data Bits = 7, Parity = 1, Stop Bits = 8, Flow Control = Hardware

Transfer Rate = 57.600, Data Bits = 7, Parity = 1, Stop Bits = 8, Flow Control = Hardware

Transfer Rate = 115.200, Data Bits = 7, Parity = 1, Stop Bits = 1, Flow Control = Software

Transfer Rate = 115.200, Data Bits = 7, Parity = 1, Stop Bits = 1, Flow Control = Software

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Suggested answer: B

For serial console connections to a Gen 5 node, specific terminal settings are required.

Required Settings:

Transfer Rate (Baud Rate): 115,200 bps

Data Bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop Bits: 1

Flow Control: Hardware

Dell PowerScale


Dell EMC PowerScale Hardware Installation Guide:

Serial Connection Settings:

Provides the exact settings for terminal emulation software.

Recommends these settings for successful communication.

Best Practices:

Use reliable terminal software (e.g., PuTTY).

Verify cable connections and adapter compatibility.

asked 29/10/2024
Akshi Raj
48 questions