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CITM-001: Certified Information Technology Manager

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
2 Quizzes

Exam Number: CITM-001

Exam Name: Certified Information Technology Manager

Length of test: 90 mins

Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions.

Exam Language: English

Number of questions in the actual exam: Maximum of 80 questions

Passing Score: 70% (56 out of 80 questions).

Topic Covered:

  1. Corporate Frameworks

  2. Software and Databases

  3. Information Systems

  4. Communications

  5. Management of Personnel in Relation to Technology

  6. Business Management from the IT Perspective

This study guide should help you understand what to expect on CITM-001 exam and includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

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Restrictions on Internet access and efforts to censor web sites may impede development of global information system.

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Which clause lists the attributes desired in answer to the query?









Suggested answer: B

The select clause corresponds to the projection operation of the relational algebra. It is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query.For example, the queryselect name, age from studentwill return the name and age attributes of all tuples in the student relation12.Reference:1: CSE132A F05 SQLpart1 - University of California, San Diego2: Basic Operations - RDBMS Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

asked 18/11/2024
Ramesh Kumar Patel
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Limited access to high speed internet may impede the development of global information systems.

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__________ level describes what data is stored in the database and the relationships among the data

Physical level

Physical level

Logical level

Logical level

Conceptual level

Conceptual level

Pictorial level

Pictorial level

Suggested answer: C

The conceptual level is a high-level description of the data and its relationships in the database, without specifying how the data is physically stored or implemented. It defines the main entities, attributes, and constraints for the entire database, and is independent of any specific database management system or application. The conceptual level is also known as the logical level, and it is usually represented by an entity-relationship diagram (ERD).Reference:Conceptual schema - Wikipedia,Navigating the Three Levels of Database Design: Conceptual, Logical, and Physical

asked 18/11/2024
Ramzi Smair
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------------------------------is a property that describes various characteristics of an entity

ER Diagram

ER Diagram







Suggested answer: D

An attribute is a property that describes various characteristics of an entity. For example, an entity type called Employee may have attributes such as name, age, salary, department, etc. An attribute can also be a primary key that uniquely identifies an entity instance, or a foreign key that references another entity type. An attribute can have a data type, a domain, and a constraint that define its format, range, and validity. An attribute is represented by an oval in an ER diagram, and by a column in a table.Reference:3,EXIN EPI Certified Information Technology Manager - EXIN(page 23)

asked 18/11/2024
Hicham Jellab
50 questions

Which two designs are considered to design a system? (Choose two)

Structured design

Structured design

Object-Oriented Design

Object-Oriented Design

Functional Design

Functional Design

Organizational Design

Organizational Design

Suggested answer: A, B

Structured design and object-oriented design are two common approaches to design a system. Structured design is a method of breaking down a system into smaller and simpler modules, which can be independently created and tested. Structured design follows a top-down approach, where the system is divided into sub-systems, and then into modules, until the desired level of detail is reached. Structured design is suitable for systems that have well-defined inputs and outputs, and a clear hierarchy of functions. Object-oriented design is a method of modeling a system as a collection of objects, which have attributes and behaviors. Object-oriented design follows a bottom-up approach, where the system is built from reusable and interchangeable components, called classes. Object-oriented design is suitable for systems that have complex interactions, dynamic behavior, and multiple inheritance. Functional design and organizational design are not considered to design a system, but rather to describe the system's purpose and structure. Functional design is a process of defining the functions and processes that the system performs, and how they relate to each other. Functional design focuses on the what and why of the system, rather than the how. Organizational design is a process of defining the roles and responsibilities of the people and units involved in the system, and how they communicate and coordinate with each other. Organizational design focuses on the who and where of the system, rather than the how.Reference:Structured Design - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics,Object-Oriented Design - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics,Functional Design - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics, [Organizational Design - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics]

asked 18/11/2024
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