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GAQM CITM-001 Practice Test - Questions Answers

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Question 1

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Which clause lists the attributes desired in answer to the query?









Suggested answer: B

The select clause corresponds to the projection operation of the relational algebra. It is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query.For example, the queryselect name, age from studentwill return the name and age attributes of all tuples in the student relation12.Reference:1: CSE132A F05 SQLpart1 - University of California, San Diego2: Basic Operations - RDBMS Questions and Answers - Sanfoundry

asked 18/11/2024
Ramesh Kumar Patel
38 questions

Question 2

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Which diagram consists of object types and relationships?

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

Couple Diagram

Couple Diagram

Analytical Diagram

Analytical Diagram

Suggested answer: A

An ER diagram (Entity-Relationship diagram) is a type of diagram that consists of object types and relationships. An object type is a category of objects that share common attributes and behaviors, such as a class, an entity, or a component. A relationship is a connection or association between two or more object types, such as an inheritance, an aggregation, or a dependency. An ER diagram is used to model the structure and semantics of a system, such as a database, a software system, or a business domain. An ER diagram can show the cardinality, optionality, and constraints of the relationships, as well as the attributes and operations of the object types.Reference:What is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)?,Object Diagrams | Unified Modeling Language (UML),The Easy Guide to UML Class Diagrams | Class Diagram Tutorial,Class diagrams vs Object diagrams in UML

asked 18/11/2024
Evans Sajere
25 questions

Question 3

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One of the main reasons for building a data warehouse is to undertake data mining.





Suggested answer: A

Data warehousing and data mining are closely related technologies that support business intelligence and analytics. Data warehousing is the process of collecting, integrating, and organizing data from various sources into a centralized repository that can support complex queries and analysis. Data mining is the process of applying various techniques and algorithms to extract useful information and patterns from the data stored in the data warehouse. Data mining can help discover hidden relationships, trends, anomalies, and insights that can improve decision making and performance. One of the main reasons for building a data warehouse is to enable data mining, as data warehouses provide a consistent, reliable, and comprehensive source of data that can be mined for various purposes. Data warehouses also facilitate data mining by providing data quality, data cleansing, data transformation, data aggregation, and data indexing services that can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data mining. Data warehouses and data mining are complementary technologies that work together to deliver business value and competitive advantage.Reference:Data Warehousing and Data Mining 101,Data Warehousing and Data Mining - Topcoder,Difference between Data Warehousing and Data Mining

asked 18/11/2024
Carlos Castro
36 questions

Question 4

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Organizations are linked extensively to increase (Choose two)

Reduce Cycle Times

Reduce Cycle Times

Increase Cycle Times

Increase Cycle Times

Improve Accuracy

Improve Accuracy

Increase Capability

Increase Capability

Suggested answer: A, C

Organizations are linked extensively to increase their efficiency and effectiveness in achieving their goals. By reducing cycle times, organizations can deliver their products or services faster and more responsively to their customers. By improving accuracy, organizations can reduce errors, waste, and rework, and enhance their quality and reliability. These outcomes can also increase the capability of the organization to meet the changing needs and expectations of the market and the stakeholders.Reference:Sample Exam - GAQM, page 1, question 1;The Future of Flexibility at Work, paragraph 4.

asked 18/11/2024
Ronald Buffing
45 questions

Question 5

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Temporary work groups may include employees of customers, suppliers or partner corporations.





Suggested answer: A

Temporary work groups are formed for a specific purpose and usually dissolve after the task is completed. They may include employees of customers, suppliers or partner corporations who collaborate with the organization to achieve a common goal. For example, a temporary work group may be created to develop a new product, launch a marketing campaign, or implement a new system. Temporary work groups can benefit from the diverse perspectives, skills, and resources of their members, as well as foster innovation and learning.Reference:CITM Course Outline,Flexible Work Arrangements: Types and Benefits

asked 18/11/2024
Veridjan Hoxha
44 questions

Question 6

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How many trends have drastically altered the way organizations use technology?









Suggested answer: A

According to the CITM certification, there are six trends that have drastically altered the way organizations use technology. These are:

Cloud computing: The delivery of computing services over the internet, such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. Cloud computing enables organizations to access scalable, flexible, and cost-effective IT resources on demand.

Big data and analytics: The collection, processing, and analysis of large and complex data sets to generate insights and value. Big data and analytics enable organizations to improve decision making, optimize operations, enhance customer experience, and create new products and services.

Social media and collaboration: The use of online platforms and tools to communicate, share, and interact with others. Social media and collaboration enable organizations to engage with customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders, as well as to foster innovation and knowledge sharing.

Mobile and wireless: The use of devices and networks that allow users to access information and services anytime and anywhere. Mobile and wireless enable organizations to extend their reach, improve productivity, and offer convenience and personalization.

Internet of things (IoT): The network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems. IoT enables organizations to monitor and control their assets, processes, and environments, as well as to create new business models and opportunities.

Cybersecurity: The protection of information systems and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. Cybersecurity enables organizations to safeguard their assets, reputation, and trust, as well as to comply with laws and regulations.

CITM certification, page 9

McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023

Here's how technology has changed the world since 2000

10 Ways Technology Has Reshaped the Modern Workplace

asked 18/11/2024
Petko Milidragovic
37 questions

Question 7

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True or False: Managers today make Information Technology an integral part of their jobs.





Suggested answer: A

Managers today make Information Technology an integral part of their jobs because IT plays a fundamental role in both the structure and control of the modern business. IT enables managers to perform various tasks such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling more efficiently and effectively. IT also helps managers to communicate, coordinate, and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders, as well as to access, analyze, and interpret information for decision making. IT also supports innovation, creativity, and competitiveness in the dynamic and globalized environment.Therefore, managers need to have an excellent grasp of the functionality, capabilities, and effects of the technology that they implement and manage.Reference: https://www.exin.com/business-service-management/exin-epi-it-management/certified-information-technology-manager/


asked 18/11/2024
Mahdi Far
39 questions

Question 8

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Which two management departments are responsible for the success of information processing? (Choose two)

Stakeholders Management

Stakeholders Management

Top Management

Top Management

Middle Management

Middle Management

Bottom Level Management

Bottom Level Management

Suggested answer: B, C

Information processing is the exchange of information among people, processes and systems within an organization1.It is crucial for achieving business goals, making informed decisions and working efficiently2.To effectively deliver the information needed to decision makers, Management Information Systems (MIS) need to have the necessary components to collect, process, store and retrieve the information whenever it is needed3.The success of information processing depends on the alignment of MIS with the organizational strategy, structure and culture3. Therefore, the two management departments that are responsible for the success of information processing aretop managementandmiddle management.Top management is responsible for setting the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the organization, as well as defining the policies and procedures that guide the information flows3.Middle management is responsible for implementing the plans and strategies of top management, as well as coordinating and supervising the activities of lower-level managers and employees3.Both top and middle management need to ensure that the information systems are aligned with the business needs, and that the information flows are effective, efficient and secure3.Reference:1: Practices for managing information flows within organizations12: Management Information Systems (MIS): Definition and How It Works23: Information management3

asked 18/11/2024
Edward Morgan
44 questions

Question 9

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Information can be defined by which two entities that reduces uncertainty? (Choose two)









Suggested answer: A, B

Information can be defined as data that has been processed or organized in a meaningful way that reduces uncertainty. Information can be either tangible or intangible, depending on whether it has a physical form or not. For example, a printed report is tangible information, while an email is intangible information. Information can also be static or dynamic, depending on whether it changes over time or not. For example, a historical record is static information, while a stock price is dynamic information. However, the question asks for the two entities that define information, not the two attributes that describe information. Therefore, the correct answer is A and B, tangible and intangible.Reference:Sample Exam - GAQM, page 2, question 6.

asked 18/11/2024
Christopher Adams
47 questions

Question 10

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Information derived from processing transaction reduces uncertainty about a firm's order backlog or financial position.





Suggested answer: A

Information derived from processing transaction reduces uncertainty about a firm's order backlog or financial position because it provides a quantitative and forward-looking measure of demand. Order backlog is the amount of orders that a firm has received but not yet fulfilled. It reflects the expected future revenue and cash flows of the firm, as well as its ability to meet customer needs and expectations. Order backlog can also indicate the competitive position and market share of the firm, as well as its operational efficiency and capacity utilization. Therefore, disclosing order backlog can help stakeholders such as investors, analysts, managers, and regulators to assess the firm's performance and prospects more accurately and reliably.Reference:Sample Exam - GAQM, page 4;Implications of Disclosing Order Backlog, page 1-2;Backlog Definition, Implications, and Real-World Examples - Investopedia

asked 18/11/2024
Karoy Bandi
40 questions
Total 80 questions
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