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Huawei H12-711 Practice Test 3

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Which of the following statements are true about single sign-on? (multiple choice)

The device can identify the user who has passed the authentication of the identity authentication system
The device can identify the user who has passed the authentication of the identity authentication system
AD There is only one deployment mode for domain single sign-on
AD There is only one deployment mode for domain single sign-on
Although there is no need to enter the user password, the authentication server needs to interact with the user password and the device to ensure that the authentication is passed.
Although there is no need to enter the user password, the authentication server needs to interact with the user password and the device to ensure that the authentication is passed.
AD Domain single sign-on can be synchronized to the firewall by mirroring the login data stream
AD Domain single sign-on can be synchronized to the firewall by mirroring the login data stream
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Suggested answer: A, D
asked 18/09/2024
Alex Fill
34 questions