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The Open Group OGA-031 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 2

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Question 11


Consider the following diagram:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 11 77517 09232024005432000000

Which of the following correctly describes this diagram?

The two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist are specializations of the business role Specialist
The two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist are specializations of the business role Specialist
The business role Specialist approves all claims handled by the two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist
The business role Specialist approves all claims handled by the two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist
The two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist together realize the business role Specialist.
The two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist together realize the business role Specialist.
The business role Specialist is an aggregation of the two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist.
The business role Specialist is an aggregation of the two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist.
Suggested answer: A


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, the diagram uses a specialization relationship to indicate that the two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist are more specific versions of the business role Specialist. A specialization relationship is a type of structural relationship that indicates that an object is a specialization of another object. The notation for a specialization relationship is a solid line with an empty triangle at the end that points to the more general element.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 4 Generic Metamodel, Section 4.1 Behavior and Structure Elements, Subsection 4.1.2 Structural Relationships 1; ArchiMate Specialization Relationship - ArchiMate Quick Guide - GitBook 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Shawn Sullivan
37 questions

Question 12


Which of the following is a Passive Structure Element?

Application Component
Application Component
Data Object
Data Object
Suggested answer: D


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a data object is a passive structure element that represents a piece of data that can be manipulated by behavior elements such as application functions or services. A passive structure element is a structural element that cannot perform behavior. Active structure elements can perform behavior on passive structure elements.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 4 Generic Metamodel, Section 4.1 Behavior and Structure Elements, Subsection 4.1.1 Active Structure Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 10 Application Layer, Section 10.2 Passive Structure Elements 1.

asked 23/09/2024
Neil Mallia
48 questions

Question 13


Consider the following diagram:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 13 77519 09232024005432000000

What correctly describes this diagram?

Four technology functions realize technology function A The first function Administrate Replication triggers the other three functions in parallel
Four technology functions realize technology function A The first function Administrate Replication triggers the other three functions in parallel
Technology process A aggregates four technology services. The Administrate Replication service is broken down into three other services.
Technology process A aggregates four technology services. The Administrate Replication service is broken down into three other services.
Technology function A is composed of four technology processes. The technology process Administrate Replication reads information from the three other processes.
Technology function A is composed of four technology processes. The technology process Administrate Replication reads information from the three other processes.
Technology function A is composed of four technology functions. Information flows from Administrate Replication to the other functions.
Technology function A is composed of four technology functions. Information flows from Administrate Replication to the other functions.
Suggested answer: D


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a technology function represents a collection of technology behavior that can be performed by a node. The diagram uses a composition relationship to indicate that technology function A consists of four other technology functions. The notation for a composition relationship is a solid line with a filled diamond at the end that points to the whole element. The diagram also uses an information flow relationship to indicate that information is exchanged from Administrate Replication to the other functions. The notation for an information flow relationship is a dashed line with an open arrowhead at the end that points to the direction of the flow.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 4 Generic Metamodel, Section 4.1 Behavior and Structure Elements, Subsection 4.1.2 Structural Relationships 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 11 Technology Layer, Section 11.2 Behavior Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.5 Other Relationships 1; ArchiMate Patterns – Technology Layer – General Geekery 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Carlos Almeida Fernandes
32 questions

Question 14


Complete the sentence. The ArchiMate standard provides a set of entities and relationships for

modeling detailed workflow
modeling detailed workflow
providing fine-grained descriptions of business motivation
providing fine-grained descriptions of business motivation
representing Architecture Description
representing Architecture Description
supporting a fixed set of diagram types
supporting a fixed set of diagram types
Suggested answer: C


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, the ArchiMate standard provides a set of entities and relationships for representing Architecture Description. Architecture Description is a work product used to express an architecture for a system-of-interest. The ArchiMate language is an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms.

Reference: The ArchiMate® Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language | The Open Group Website 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 1 Introduction, Section 1.1 Objective 2.

asked 23/09/2024
ajay jaiswal
37 questions

Question 15


A Risk Assessment service provided by a Risk Measurement application enables actuaries to assess and mitigate financial risks as part of the Enterprise Risk Management process

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 15 77521 09232024005432000000

Which combination of relationships, when added to this diagram, would best represent this situation?

Realization and 2. Serving
Realization and 2. Serving
Realization and 2. Assignment
Realization and 2. Assignment
Realization and 2. Realization
Realization and 2. Realization
Serving and 2. Realization
Serving and 2. Realization
Suggested answer: A


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a realization relationship indicates that an entity plays a critical role in the creation, achievement, sustenance, or operation of a more abstract entity.

A serving relationship models that an element provides its functionality to another element. The diagram should use a realization relationship from the Risk Assessment service to the Enterprise Risk Management process to indicate that the service realizes the process. The diagram should also use a serving relationship from the Risk Measurement application to the Risk Assessment service to indicate that the application serves the service.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.1 Structural Relationships 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.2 Dependency Relationships 1; ArchiMate Notation: Part 8 – Relationships - ArchiMate Resources for FREE 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Mario Herrera González
46 questions

Question 16


What are the types of elements defined in the top-level language structure of the ArchiMate concepts?

Application, Business, Strategy, Technology
Application, Business, Strategy, Technology
Active, Behavior, Passive
Active, Behavior, Passive
Behavior, Composite, Motivation, Structure
Behavior, Composite, Motivation, Structure
Abstract, Core, Composite
Abstract, Core, Composite
Suggested answer: C


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, the top-level language structure of the ArchiMate concepts defines four types of elements: Behavior, Composite, Motivation, and Structure.

Behavior elements represent units of activity performed by one or more active structure elements.

Composite elements represent collections of other concepts that belong together based on some criteri a. Motivation elements represent the reasons for designing and implementing an architecture.

Structure elements represent structural concepts that model the static construction or composition of concepts of the same or different types.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 3 Language Structure, Section 3.2 Top-Level Language Structure 1; ArchiMate - Wikipedia 2.

asked 23/09/2024
P. Kriek
40 questions

Question 17


What concept would you use to define a point of access where an application service is made available to a user?

Application service
Application service
Application interface
Application interface
Application interaction
Application interaction
Application function
Application function
Suggested answer: B


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an application interface represents a point of access where an application service is made available to a user, another application component, or a node. An application interface specifies how the functionality of a component can be accessed by other elements. The notation for an application interface is a square with a small circle attached to it.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 10 Application Layer, Section 10.1 Active Structure Elements 1; Application Layer in ArchiMate Part 2 – Notation and Concepts - ArchiMate Resources for FREE 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Moinuddin Mohammed
44 questions

Question 18


Complete following sentence: In the generic metamodel the main types of elements can be divided into

resources and events
resources and events
structure and behavior
structure and behavior
grouping and location
grouping and location
process and function
process and function
Suggested answer: B


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, the generic metamodel defines two main types of elements: structure and behavior. Structure elements represent the structural concepts that model the static construction or composition of concepts of the same or different types. Behavior elements represent units of activity performed by one or more active structure elements.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 4 Generic Metamodel, Section 4.1 Behavior and Structure Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification - The Open Group 2.

asked 23/09/2024
jaimie lloyd
44 questions

Question 19


Consider the following diagram:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 19 77525 09232024005432000000

What correctly describes the elements E, F and I?

The two communication networks E and I together realize a path F.
The two communication networks E and I together realize a path F.
Communication network E passes data from server B through the path F to communication network I
Communication network E passes data from server B through the path F to communication network I
Technology collaboration F aggregates the two communication networks E and l.
Technology collaboration F aggregates the two communication networks E and l.
Users on servers B and D trigger data from communication network E to I through path F.
Users on servers B and D trigger data from communication network E to I through path F.
Suggested answer: B


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a communication network represents a set of structures that connects devices or system software for transmission, routing, and reception of dat a. A path models the relation between two or more technology internal active structure elements, through which these can exchange information. The diagram uses a flow relationship to indicate that data flows from server B to communication network E, then through path F to communication network I. The notation for a flow relationship is a dashed line with an open arrowhead at the end that points to the direction of the flow.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 11 Technology Layer, Section 11.2 Active Structure Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.4 Dynamic Relationships 1; ArchiMate communication network 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Akash Makkar
35 questions

Question 20


In the Application Layer metamodel, what is the relationship type from an application service to a data object?

Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
David Ezejimofor
36 questions
Total 40 questions
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