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The Open Group OGA-031 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 3

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Question 21


Consider the following diagram:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 21 77527 09232024005432000000

What element is used to represent the Chief Marketing Officer in this diagram?

Business Actor
Business Actor
Suggested answer: C


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a business actor represents a business entity that is capable of performing behavior. A business actor is a business entity as opposed to a technical entity; i.e., it belongs to the Business Layer. The notation for a business actor is a circle with a stick figure inside it. The Chief Marketing Officer in this diagram is a business actor that performs the behavior assigned to the Marketing Manager role.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 8 Business Layer, Section 8.2 Active Structure Elements 1; ArchiMate Example: Business Actor - Visual Paradigm Community Circle 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Reaper Gamer
43 questions

Question 22


Consider the following symbol, which represents information about a transformation project at ArchiSurance_ Which statement correctly expresses the meaning of this symbol?

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 22 77528 09232024005432000000

The concern is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences
The concern is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences
The driver is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences
The driver is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences
The outcome is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences.
The outcome is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences.
The assessment is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences
The assessment is that customers are defecting to competitors with superior digital experiences
Suggested answer: D


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an assessment represents the result of an analysis of the state of affairs of the enterprise with respect to some driver. An assessment may reveal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats for some area of interest. An assessment is a motivation element that can be associated with other motivation elements such as stakeholders, drivers, goals, outcomes, etc. The notation for an assessment is a rectangle with a rounded top and a horizontal line inside it. The symbol in this question is an assessment that expresses the analysis of ArchiSurance’s situation.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 7 Strategy Elements, Section 7.2 Motivation Elements 1; Assessment ArchiMate | QualiWare Center of Excellence 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Mita Balija
41 questions

Question 23


Consider the following diagram showing a small part of ArchiSurance's Digital Customer Intimacy strategy

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 23 77529 09232024005432000000

Which of the following describes this diagram?

The Digital customer management capability achieves the goal of Excellent online customer interaction.
The Digital customer management capability achieves the goal of Excellent online customer interaction.
The Digital customer management capability realizes the outcome Excellent online customer interaction_
The Digital customer management capability realizes the outcome Excellent online customer interaction_
The Digital customer management outcome is influenced by the requirement for Excellent online customer interaction.
The Digital customer management outcome is influenced by the requirement for Excellent online customer interaction.
The Digital customer management strategy relates to the principle of Excellent online customer interaction
The Digital customer management strategy relates to the principle of Excellent online customer interaction
Suggested answer: B


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a capability represents an ability that an active structure element, such as an organization, person, or system, possesses. An outcome represents an end result that has been achieved. A realization relationship indicates that an entity plays a critical role in the creation, achievement, sustenance, or operation of a more abstract entity. The diagram uses a realization relationship from the Digital customer management capability to the Excellent online customer interaction outcome to indicate that the capability realizes the outcome.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 7 Strategy Elements, Section 7.2 Structure Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.1 Structural Relationships 1; Capability Map: Artifact of Vision Phase - Visual Paradigm Guides 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Ada Galilea
47 questions

Question 24


The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 24 77530 09232024005432000000

Which of the following is the correct relationship between the bottom elements and the top element?

Suggested answer: D


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an aggregation relationship indicates that an element groups a number of other concepts. The aggregation relationship has been inspired by the aggregation relationship in UML class diagrams. Unlike composition, aggregation does not imply an existence dependency between the aggregating and aggregated concepts. The notation for an aggregation relationship is a solid line with an empty diamond at the end that points to the whole element. The diagram uses an aggregation relationship from the bottom elements to the top element to indicate that the top element groups the bottom elements.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.1 Structural Relationships 1; Structural Relationship: Part 3 - ArchiMate Resources for FREE 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Arjen Vleugel
44 questions

Question 25


Consider the following diagram showing a system used for settling injury claims:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 25 77531 09232024005432000000

Which answer correctly describes this diagram?

The MEDINFO application realizes the Medical Information service, and accesses a data object called MEDBASEB.The MEDINFO application serves the Medical Information department, and accesses a data object called MEDBASE_
The MEDINFO application realizes the Medical Information service, and accesses a data object called MEDBASEB.The MEDINFO application serves the Medical Information department, and accesses a data object called MEDBASE_
The Medical Information application uses a back-end module called MEDINFO to access a data object called MEDBASE.
The Medical Information application uses a back-end module called MEDINFO to access a data object called MEDBASE.
The MED8ASE application uses MEDINFO middleware to present the Medical Information user interface.
The MED8ASE application uses MEDINFO middleware to present the Medical Information user interface.
Suggested answer: A


Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an application component represents a modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a software system that encapsulates its behavior and dat a. An application service represents an explicitly defined exposed application behavior. A data object represents data structured for automated processing. A realization relationship indicates that an entity plays a critical role in the creation, achievement, sustenance, or operation of a more abstract entity. An access relationship models the ability of behavior and active structure elements to observe or act upon passive structure elements. The diagram uses a realization relationship from the MEDINFO application component to the Medical Information service to indicate that the application component realizes the service. The diagram also uses an access relationship from the MEDINFO application component to the MEDBASE data object to indicate that the application component accesses the data object.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 10 Application Layer, Section 10.1 Active Structure Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 10 Application Layer, Section 10.3 Behavior Elements 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.1 Structural Relationships 1; ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 5 Relationships, Section 5.3 Access Relationships 1; ArchiMate Example: Application Components - Visual Paradigm 2.

asked 23/09/2024
Ivan Galir
47 questions

Question 26


Which answer correctly describes the four elements (A, B, C, and D) shown in this diagram?

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 26 77532 09232024005432000000

A plateau and deliverables
A plateau and deliverables
Project components
Project components
Work packages
Work packages
Business processes
Business processes
Suggested answer: C


The diagram shows a work package, which is a grouping of behavior and/or structure elements that can be assigned to one or more performers. A work package can be used to model a project or a program, and it can contain deliverables, which are outcomes of the work package. The four elements (A, B, C, and D) are all deliverables that are part of the work package.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 10: Motivation Elements, Section 10.4 Work Package1; Chapter 11: Strategy Elements, Section 11.5 Deliverable2.

asked 23/09/2024
Kayode Omotosho
40 questions

Question 27


Consider the following fragment of the conceptual model of an Architecture Description from ISO!IEC 42010:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 27 77533 09232024005432000000

Which answer correctly identifies A and B?

A=Stakeholder, B=Concem
A=Stakeholder, B=Concem
A=Architecture View, B=Architecture Viewpoint
A=Architecture View, B=Architecture Viewpoint
A-Model Kind, B-Model
A-Model Kind, B-Model
A=Whole System, B=Aspects
A=Whole System, B=Aspects
Suggested answer: B


According to the conceptual model of architecture description from ISO/IEC 42010, an architecture view is a representation of a system from the perspective of a set of concerns. An architecture viewpoint is a specification of the conventions and rules for constructing and using an architecture view. A and B in the diagram correspond to these concepts respectively.

Reference: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: Conceptual Model1; ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 - Systems and software engineering — Architecture description2.

asked 23/09/2024
Nomandla Asiya
38 questions

Question 28


Consider the top-level hierarchical structure of the ArchiMate Language shown below:

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 28 77534 09232024005432000000

What do A and B denote?

A=Element, B=Core Element
A=Element, B=Core Element
A=Element, B=Relationship
A=Element, B=Relationship
A-Concept, B-Element
A-Concept, B-Element
A-Metamodel, B-Event
A-Metamodel, B-Event
Suggested answer: C


According to the ArchiMate language structure, a concept is either an element or a relationship. An element is either a behavior element, a structure element, a motivation element, or a composite element. A and B in the diagram correspond to these concepts respectively.

Reference: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 3: Language Structure, Section 3.2 Top-Level Language Structure; ArchiMate® 3.0 Specification, Chapter 3: Language Structure, Section 3.2 Top- Level Language Structure.

asked 23/09/2024
41 questions

Question 29


Complete the sentence. In the physical elements metamodel, a facility is a specialization of a ___________

Technology service
Technology service
Technology interaction
Technology interaction
Suggested answer: D


According to the physical elements metamodel, a facility is a specialization of a node, which is an active structure element that represents a computational or physical resource that hosts, manipulates, or interacts with other computational or physical resources. A facility can be used to model physical buildings or locations.

Reference: Physical Layer: Part 1 - Metamodel1; ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification, Chapter 9: Physical Elements2.

asked 23/09/2024
bhaskar siddanadham
32 questions

Question 30


What is the best description of the diagram?

The Open Group OGA-031 image Question 30 77536 09232024005432000000

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