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IIA IIA-CIA-Part2 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 8

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Question 71


Which of the following conditions are necessary for successful change management?

1. Decisions and necessary actions are taken promptly.

2. The traditions of the organization are respected.

3. Changes result in improvement or reform.

4. Internal and external communications are controlled.

1 and 2
1 and 2
1 and 3
1 and 3
2 and 3
2 and 3
2 and 4
2 and 4
Suggested answer: B


Successful change management requires prompt decision-making and actions, as well as ensuring that changes lead to improvement or reform. Respecting the traditions of the organization and controlling internal and external communications are important, but not as critical to the success of change management as the necessity for timely actions and positive outcomes.


IIA Practice Guide - Change Management: Facilitating Organizational Change

IIA Standards - 2210: Engagement Objectives

asked 18/09/2024
John Reynolds
30 questions

Question 72


A chief audit executive (CAE) is determining which engagements to include on the annual audit plan. She would like to consider the organization's attitude toward risk and the degree of difficulty in achieving objectives. Which of the following resources should the CAE consult?

The corporate risk register.
The corporate risk register.
The strategic plan.
The strategic plan.
Internal and external audit reports.
Internal and external audit reports.
The board's meeting records.
The board's meeting records.
Suggested answer: A


The corporate risk register is a comprehensive document that records identified risks, their assessment in terms of likelihood and impact, and the controls in place to manage them. It reflects the organization's attitude toward risk and highlights areas where achieving objectives may be difficult. The CAE should consult this resource to align the audit plan with the organization's risk profile and ensure that high-risk areas are appropriately audited.


IIA Standards - 2010: Planning

IIA Practice Guide - Risk Management

asked 18/09/2024
Yogen Trikannad
34 questions

Question 73


When establishing a quality assurance and improvement program, the chief audit executive should ensure the program is designed to accomplish which of the following objectives?

1. Add value.

2. Improve operations.

3. Provide assurance that the internal audit activity conforms with the Standards.

4. Provide assurance that the internal audit activity conforms with the IIA Code of Ethics.

1 only
1 only
1 and 2 only
1 and 2 only
1 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
1, 2, 3, and 4
1, 2, 3, and 4
Suggested answer: D


A quality assurance and improvement program (QAIP) established by the chief audit executive (CAE) should ensure that the internal audit activity (IAA) adheres to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) and the IIA Code of Ethics. It should also aim to add value and improve the organization's operations. This comprehensive approach ensures that the internal audit function is not only compliant but also effective in enhancing the overall governance, risk management, and control processes within the organization.


IIA Standard 1300: Quality Assurance and Improvement Program.

IIA Standard 1320: Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program.

asked 18/09/2024
Alejandro Ramirez Cuesta
37 questions

Question 74


Which of the following best illustrates the primary focus of a risk-based approach to control self-assessment?

To evaluate controls regarding the computer security of an oil refinery.
To evaluate controls regarding the computer security of an oil refinery.
To examine the processes involved in exploring, developing, and operating a gold mine.
To examine the processes involved in exploring, developing, and operating a gold mine.
To assess the likelihood and impact of events associated with operating a finished goods warehouse.
To assess the likelihood and impact of events associated with operating a finished goods warehouse.
To link a financial institution's business objectives to a work unit responsible for the associated risk.
To link a financial institution's business objectives to a work unit responsible for the associated risk.
Suggested answer: D


A risk-based approach to control self-assessment focuses on aligning the organization's business objectives with the risks managed by specific work units. This method ensures that the controls are effectively designed and operated to mitigate risks that could impede achieving business objectives. Options A, B, and C describe evaluating controls and processes in specific contexts but do not illustrate the primary focus of linking business objectives with the associated risks at the work unit level, which is central to a risk-based approach.


IIA Practice Guide on Control Self-Assessment.

IIA Standard 2120: Risk Management.

asked 18/09/2024
darren cain
30 questions

Question 75


Due to a recent system upgrade, an audit is planned to test the payroll process. Which of the following audit objectives would be most important to prevent fraud?

Verify that amounts are correct.
Verify that amounts are correct.
Verify that payments are on time.
Verify that payments are on time.
Verify that recipients are valid employees.
Verify that recipients are valid employees.
Verify that benefits deductions are accurate.
Verify that benefits deductions are accurate.
Suggested answer: C


Verifying that recipients are valid employees is crucial in preventing payroll fraud. This audit objective ensures that only legitimate employees receive payments, thereby mitigating the risk of ghost employees or payments to terminated employees. While verifying amounts, payment timeliness, and benefit deductions are important, ensuring the validity of recipients directly addresses the potential for fraudulent activities in the payroll process.


IIA Practice Guide on Auditing Employee Compensation and Benefits.

IIA Standard 1220: Due Professional Care.

asked 18/09/2024
Gabriel Ty
33 questions

Question 76


Which of the following statements is false regarding audit criteria?

Audit criteria should be consistent across audit assignments.
Audit criteria should be consistent across audit assignments.
Audit criteria should represent reasonable standards against which to assess existing conditions.
Audit criteria should represent reasonable standards against which to assess existing conditions.
Audit criteria should provide flexibility but allow identification of nonadherence.
Audit criteria should provide flexibility but allow identification of nonadherence.
Audit criteria should equate to good or acceptable management practices.
Audit criteria should equate to good or acceptable management practices.
Suggested answer: A


Audit criteria should be appropriate and specific to each audit assignment, considering the unique context and objectives of each engagement. Consistency across all audit assignments (Option A) is not always feasible or desirable, as it could lead to inappropriate assessments. Instead, criteria should be flexible to allow the identification of nonadherence, represent reasonable standards, and align with good management practices relevant to each specific audit.


IIA Standard 2201: Planning Considerations.

IIA Practice Guide on Audit Planning.

asked 18/09/2024
Lazar Marinovic
34 questions

Question 77


An audit client responded to recommendations from a recent consulting engagement. The client indicated that several recommended process improvements would not be implemented. Which of the following actions should the internal audit activity take in response?

Escalate the unresolved issues to the board, because they could pose significant risk exposures to the organization.
Escalate the unresolved issues to the board, because they could pose significant risk exposures to the organization.
Confirm the decision with management and document this decision in the audit file.
Confirm the decision with management and document this decision in the audit file.
Document the issue in the audit file and follow up until the issues are resolved.
Document the issue in the audit file and follow up until the issues are resolved.
Initiate an assurance engagement on the unresolved issues.
Initiate an assurance engagement on the unresolved issues.
Suggested answer: B


When a client decides not to implement recommended process improvements from a consulting engagement, the internal audit activity should confirm the decision with management and document it in the audit file. This approach ensures that the audit trail is complete and that there is a record of management's acceptance of the associated risks. Escalating the issue to the board (Option A) or initiating an assurance engagement (Option D) might be necessary if the risks are significant, but these actions are not the immediate next steps. Continuous follow-up (Option C) is more relevant to assurance engagements rather than consulting engagements.


IIA Standard 2500: Monitoring Progress.

IIA Practice Guide on Consulting Engagements.

asked 18/09/2024
Paula Delgado
35 questions

Question 78


Which of the following is the most important concept to be included in a consulting engagement agreement?

Define the duties and responsibilities needed from management to perform the engagement.
Define the duties and responsibilities needed from management to perform the engagement.
Disclose the fact that auditors who perform the work may not be subject matter experts in the topic of the review.
Disclose the fact that auditors who perform the work may not be subject matter experts in the topic of the review.
Clarify that matters discovered during the engagement may also be reported to senior management and the audit committee.
Clarify that matters discovered during the engagement may also be reported to senior management and the audit committee.
Disclose the fact that follow-up reviews may be conducted to ensure that recommendations are implemented adequately.
Disclose the fact that follow-up reviews may be conducted to ensure that recommendations are implemented adequately.
Suggested answer: A


In a consulting engagement agreement, it is crucial to clearly define the duties and responsibilities needed from management. This ensures that both the internal audit team and the management are aligned on their roles and what is expected from each party. Clear delineation of responsibilities helps prevent misunderstandings and sets a solid foundation for the engagement's success.


IIA Standards - 2201: Planning Considerations

IIA Practice Guide - Consulting Services

asked 18/09/2024
Renata Maria DA SILVA
46 questions

Question 79


An employee in the sales department completes a purchase requisition and forwards it to the purchaser. The purchaser places competitive bids and orders the requested items using approved purchase orders. When the employee receives the ordered items, she forwards the packing slips to the accounts payable department. The invoice for the ordered items is sent directly to the sales department, and an administrative assistant in the sales department forwards the invoices to the accounts payable department for payment. Which of the following audit steps best addresses the risk of fraud in the cash receipts process?

Verify that approvals of purchasing documents comply with the authority matrix.
Verify that approvals of purchasing documents comply with the authority matrix.
Observe whether the purchase orders are sequentially numbered.
Observe whether the purchase orders are sequentially numbered.
Examine whether the sales department supervisor approves invoices for payment.
Examine whether the sales department supervisor approves invoices for payment.
Determine whether the accounts payable department reconciles all purchasing documents prior to payment.
Determine whether the accounts payable department reconciles all purchasing documents prior to payment.
Suggested answer: D


To address the risk of fraud in the cash receipts process, it is essential to ensure that the accounts payable department reconciles all purchasing documents (purchase requisitions, purchase orders, packing slips, and invoices) before making payments. This step helps to detect discrepancies and prevent fraudulent activities, ensuring that payments are made only for legitimate and verified transactions.


IIA Standards - 1220: Due Professional Care

IIA Practice Guide - Auditing Accounts Payable: Reducing the Risk of Fraud

asked 18/09/2024
Padraig Walsh
34 questions

Question 80


According to IIA guidance, which of the following are the most important objectives for helping to ensure the appropriate completion of an engagement?

1. Coordinate audit team members to ensure the efficient execution of all engagement procedures.

2. Confirm engagement workpapers properly support the observations, recommendations, and conclusions.

3. Provide structured learning opportunities for engagement auditors when possible.

4. Ensure engagement objectives are reviewed for satisfactory achievement and are documented properly.

1, 2, and 3
1, 2, and 3
1, 2, and 4
1, 2, and 4
1, 3, and 4
1, 3, and 4
2, 3, and 4
2, 3, and 4
Suggested answer: B


According to IIA guidance, the most important objectives for ensuring the appropriate completion of an engagement include coordinating audit team members to ensure efficient execution, confirming that engagement workpapers properly support the observations, recommendations, and conclusions, and ensuring that engagement objectives are reviewed for satisfactory achievement and are documented properly. These objectives focus on the quality and thoroughness of the audit work, which are critical for the engagement's success.


IIA Standards - 2300: Performing the Engagement

IIA Practice Guide - Audit Documentation

asked 18/09/2024
Ariel Acosta
35 questions
Total 492 questions
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