MuleSoft MCD - Level 1 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 17
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Question 161

How does APIkit determine the number of flows to generate from a RAML specification?
APIKIt Creates a separate flow for each HTTP method
Question 162

What are the latest specification of RAML available?
The current version of the RAML specification is 1.0
You can check RAML version in RAML definition by referring to first comment. See highlighted part in below image.
Question 163

How to import Core (dw::Core) module into your DataWeave scripts?
Correct answer is Not needed as dw::core module is included by default. We don't need to include it explicitly
Question 164

A Mule application configured with Autodiscovery implements an API.
Where is governance enforced for policies defined for this Mule application?
Correct answer is API manager
Question 165

Which out of below is not an asset?
Exchange is the odd man out here. Rest all are type of asset
Question 166

A Mule project contains a DataWeave module like WebStore.dwl that defines a function named loginUser. The module file is located in the project's src/main/resources/libs/etl folder.
What is correct DataWeave code to import all of the WebStore.dwl file's functions and then call the loginUser function for the login '[email protected]'?
* To use custom modules, you need to import the module or functions you want to use by adding the import directive to the head of your DataWeave script, for example:
1) Does not identify any functions to import from the String module:
import dw::core::Strings
2) To identify a specific function to import from the String module:
import camelize, capitalize from dw::core::Strings
3) To import all functions from the String module:
import * from dw::core::Strings
The way you import a module impacts the way you need to call its functions from a DataWeave script. If the directive does not list specific functions to import or use * from to import all functions from a function module, you need to specify the module when you call the function from your script.
* In given scenario, it's mentioned to import all of the WebStore.dwl
So correct answer is:
Question 167

According to MuleSoft, what is the Center for Enablement's role in the new IT operating model?
Correct answer is Creates and manages discoverable assets to be consumed by line of business developers.
C4E does not get directly involved in projects.
Question 168

What is the correct way to format the decimal 200.1234 as a string to two decimal places?
Correct answer is 200.1234 as String {format: '.0#'} . Rest all options are not syntactically correct.
Question 169

The new RAML spec has been published to Anypoint Exchange with client credentials.
What is the next step to gain access to the API?
Correct answer is Request access to the API in Anypoint Exchange. This way we can get clientId and Client secret which we can use to access the API
Question 170

Correct answer is {customerID}.
A function named toUpper needs to be defined that accepts a string named userName and returns the string in uppercase.
What is the correct DW code to define the toUpper function?