Splunk SPLK-2003 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 4
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Question 31

Which of the following will show all artifacts that have the term results in a filePath CEF value?
The correct answer is A because the_filterparameter is used to filter the results based on a fieldvalue, and theicontainoperator is used to perform a case-insensitive substring match.ThefilePathfield is part of the Common Event Format (CEF) standard, and thecef_prefix is usedto access CEF fields in the REST API. The answer B is incorrect because it uses the wrong syntaxfor the REST API. The answer C is incorrect because it uses the wrong endpoint (resultinsteadofartifact) and the wrong syntax for the REST API. The answer D is incorrect because it uses thewrong syntax for the REST API and the wrong spelling for theicontainsoperator.Reference:Splunk SOAR REST API Guide, page 18.To query and display all artifacts that contain the term 'results' in a filePath CEF (Common EventFormat) value, using the REST API endpoint with a filter parameter is effective. The filter_filter_cef_filePath_icontain='results' is applied to search within the artifact data for filePathfields that contain the term 'results', disregarding case sensitivity. This method allows users toprecisely locate and work with artifacts that meet specific criteria, aiding in the investigationand analysis processes within Splunk SOAR.
Question 32

Which of the following can be configured in the ROl Settings?
The ROI (Return on Investment) Settings within Splunk SOAR are designed to help organizationsassess the value derived from their use of the platform, particularly in terms of resourceallocation and efficiency gains. The setting mentioned in the question, 'Number of full timeemployees (FTEs),' relates directly to measuring this efficiency.Answer 'C' is correct because configuring the number of full-time employees (FTEs) in the ROIsettings allows an organization to input and monitor how many personnel are dedicated tosecurity operations managed through SOAR. This setting is crucial for calculating the labor costassociated with incident response and routine security tasks. By understanding the number ofFTEs involved, organizations can better assess the labor cost savings provided by automationand orchestration in SOAR. This data helps in quantifying the operational efficiency and theoverall impact of SOAR on resource optimization.In contrast, other options like 'Analyst hours per month,' 'Time lost,' and 'Annual analyst salary'might seem relevant but are not directly configurable within the ROI settings of Splunk SOAR.These aspects could be indirectly calculated or estimated based on the number of FTEs andother operational metrics but are not directly input as settings in the system.This use of FTEs in ROI calculations is often discussed in materials related to cybersecurityefficiency metrics and SOAR platform utilization. Official Splunk documentation and bestpractices guides typically provide insights into how to set up and interpret ROI settings,highlighting the importance of accurate configuration for meaningful analytics
Question 33

Which of the following expressions will output debug information to the debug window in the Visual Playbook Editor?
The phantom.debug() function is used within Splunk SOAR playbooks to output debuginformation to the debug window in the Visual Playbook Editor. This function is instrumental introubleshooting and developing playbooks, as it allows developers to print out variables,messages, or any relevant information that can help in understanding the flow of the playbook,the data being processed, and any issues that might arise during execution. This debugging toolis essential for ensuring that playbooks are functioning as intended and for diagnosing anyproblems that may occur.
Question 34

Which of the following supported approaches enables Phantom to run on a Windows server?
Splunk SOAR (formerly Phantom) does not natively run on Windows servers as it is primarilydesigned for Linux environments. However, it can be deployed on a Windows server throughvirtualization. By running the Phantom OVA (Open Virtualization Appliance) as a virtualmachine, users can utilize virtualization platforms like VMware or VirtualBox on a Windowsserver to host the Phantom environment. This approach allows for the deployment of Phantomin a Windows-centric infrastructure by leveraging virtualization technology to encapsulate thePhantom application within a supported Linux environment provided by the OVA.
Question 35

Which of the following can the format block be used for?
Question 36

When analyzing events a working on a case, significant items can be marked as evidence. Where can ail of a case's evidence items be viewed together?
Question 37

When working with complex datapaths, which operator is used to access a sub-element inside another element?
When working with complex data paths in Splunk SOAR, particularly within playbooks, the dot(.) operator is used to access sub-elements within a larger data structure. This operator allowsfor the navigation through nested data, such as dictionaries or objects within JSON responses,enabling playbook actions and decision blocks to reference specific pieces of data within theartifacts or action results. This capability is crucial for extracting and manipulating relevantinformation from complex data sets during incident analysis and response automation.
Question 38

Which of the following is a best practice for use of the global block?
The global block within a Splunk SOAR playbook is primarily used to import external packagesor define global variables that will be utilized across various parts of the playbook. This blocksets the stage for the playbook by ensuring that all necessary libraries, modules, or predefinedvariables are available for use in subsequent actions, decision blocks, or custom code segmentswithin the playbook. This practice promotes code reuse and efficiency, enabling moresophisticated and powerful playbook designs by leveraging external functionalities
Question 39

In this image, which container fields are searched for the text "Malware"?
Question 40

Which of the following is the complete list of the types of backups that are supported by Phantom?