Splunk SPLK-2003 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 5
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Question 41

How can the debug log for a playbook execution be viewed?
Debug logs are essential for troubleshooting and understanding the execution flow of a playbook in Splunk Phantom. The debug log for a playbook execution can be viewed bynavigating to the Investigation page of a specific event or container. Within the Recent Activitypanel, there is an action menu associated with each playbook run. Selecting 'Debug Log' fromthis menu will display the detailed execution log, showing each action taken, the results ofthose actions, and any errors or messages generated during the playbook run.
Question 42

Which of the following describes the use of labels m Phantom?
In Splunk Phantom, labels are used to categorize containers and trigger specific automatedresponses. When a container is created, labels can be assigned to it based on the nature of theevent, type of incident, or other criteria. These labels are then matched against playbooks,which have label conditions defined within them. When the conditions are met, thecorresponding playbooks are automatically executed. Labels do not directly control service levelagreements, default severity, ownership, sensitivity, or app execution permissions.
Question 43

What is the simplest way to pass data between playbooks?
The simplest way to pass data between playbooks in Splunk SOAR is through the use ofartifacts. Artifacts are objects that can store data and are associated with containers. Whenmultiple playbooks work on a single container, they can access and manipulate the same set ofartifacts, allowing for seamless data transfer between playbooks.This method is straightforwardand does not require additional setup or management of external storage systems, making itthe most direct and efficient way to pass data within the Splunk SOAR environment1.Passing data between SOAR playbooks - Splunk Lantern
Question 44

What do assets provide for app functionality?
Question 45

After a successful POST to a Phantom REST endpoint to create a new object what result is returned?
The correct answer is A because after a successful POST to a Phantom REST endpoint to createa new object, the result returned is the new object ID. The object ID is a unique identifier foreach object in Phantom, such as a container, an artifact, an action, or a playbook. The object IDcan be used to retrieve, update, or delete the object using the Phantom REST API. The answer Bis incorrect because after a successful POST to a Phantom REST endpoint to create a newobject, the result returned is not the new object name, which is a human-readable name forthe object. The object name can be used to search for the object using the Phantom webinterface. The answer C is incorrect because after a successful POST to a Phantom RESTendpoint to create a new object, the result returned is not the full CEF name, which is astandard format for event data. The full CEF name can be used to access the CEF fields of anartifact using the Phantom REST API. The answer D is incorrect because after a successful POSTto a Phantom REST endpoint to create a new object, the result returned is not the PostGresUUID, which is a unique identifier for each row in a PostGres database. The PostGres UUID isnot exposed to the Phantom REST API.Reference:Splunk SOAR REST API Guide, page 17. When a POST request is made to a PhantomREST endpoint to create a new object, such as an event, artifact, or container, the typicalresponse includes the ID of the newly created object. This ID is a unique identifier that can beused to reference the object within the system for future operations, such as updating,querying, or deleting the object. The response does not usually include the full name or otherspecific details of the object, as the ID is the most important piece of information neededimmediately after creation for reference purposes.
Question 46

After a playbook has run, where are the results stored?
The correct answer is C because after a playbook has run, the results are stored in the containerthat triggered the playbook. The container is a data object that represents an event or a case inPhantom. The container contains information such as the name, the description, the severity,the status, the owner, and the labels of the event or case. The container also contains theartifacts, the action results, the comments, the notes, and the phases and tasks associated withthe event or case. The answer A is incorrect because after a playbook has run, the results arenot stored in a Splunk index, which is a data structure that stores events from various datasources in Splunk. The Splunk index is not directly accessible by Phantom, but can be queried byPhantom using the Splunk app. The answer B is incorrect because after a playbook has run, theresults are not stored in a case, which is a type of container that represents a security incidentin Phantom. The case is a subset of the container, and not all containers are cases. The answerD is incorrect because after a playbook has run, the results are not stored in a log file, which is afile that records the activities or events that occur in a system or a process. The log file is not adata object in Phantom, but can be a data source for Phantom.Reference:Splunk SOAR User Guide, page 19. In Splunk Phantom, after a playbook has beenexecuted, the results of the actions within that playbook are stored in the container associatedwith the event. A container is a data structure that encapsulates all relevant information anddata for an incident or event within Phantom, including action results, artifacts, notes, andmore. The container allows users to see a consolidated view of all the data and activity relatedto a particular event. These results are not stored in the Splunk Index, a separate case, or a logfile as their primary storage but may be sent to a Splunk index for further analysis
Question 47

Seventy can be set during ingestion and later changed manually. What other mechanism can change the severity or a container?
The severity of a container in Splunk Phantom can be set manually or automatically during theingestion process. In addition to these methods, playbooks can also change the severity of acontainer. Playbooks are automated workflows that define a series of actions based on certaintriggers and conditions. Within a playbook, actions can be defined to adjust the severity level ofa container depending on the analysis of the event data, the outcome of actions taken, or othercontextual factors. This dynamic adjustment allows for a more accurate and responsive incidentprioritization as new information becomes available during the investigation process.
Question 48

In addition to full backups. Phantom supports what other backup type using backup?
Question 49

How can a child playbook access the parent playbook's action results?
In Splunk Phantom, child playbooks can access the action results of a parent playbook throughthe use of the Scope parameter. When a parent playbook calls a child playbook, it can passcertain data along by setting the Scope parameter to include the desired action results. Thisparameter is configured within the playbook block that initiates the child playbook. Byspecifying the appropriate scope, the parent playbook effectively determines what data thechild playbook will have access to, allowing for a more modular and organized flow ofinformation between playbooks.
Question 50

How does a user determine which app actions are available?
In Splunk SOAR, a user can determine which app actions are available by navigating to the Appsmenu. From there, the user can click on the supported actions dropdown for each app to viewthe actions that can be performed by that app. This dropdown menu provides a list of all theactions that the app is capable of executing, allowing the user to understand the functionalityprovided by the app and how it can be utilized within playbooks11.
Add and configure apps and assets to provide actions in Splunk SOAR (Cloud) - SplunkDocumentation