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HP HPE2-W07 Practice Test 2

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What approach doe$ Aruba Edge Service Platform (ESP) take towards IT operations?

It simplifies management by taking a one-size-fits all approach in which most settings are noncustomizable.
It simplifies management by taking a one-size-fits all approach in which most settings are noncustomizable.
It applies machine learning to large data sets to identify issues and recommend fixes or optimizations automatically.
It applies machine learning to large data sets to identify issues and recommend fixes or optimizations automatically.
It uses a distributed analytics approach in which operators gain visibility into local issues.
It uses a distributed analytics approach in which operators gain visibility into local issues.
It relies on expert IT admins who work in specialized teams to manage their segment of the Aruba network.
It relies on expert IT admins who work in specialized teams to manage their segment of the Aruba network.
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Suggested answer: B

It applies machine learning to large data sets to identify issues and recommend fixes or optimizations automatically2. Aruba ESP uses AI-driven microservices to deliver agility, flexibility and scalability across the network2.

asked 16/09/2024
megat ilham
39 questions