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Network Appliance NS0-163 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 15

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List of questions


Question 141


A mirrored volume. volX. is composed of twelve 36-Gigabyre disks: six in volX/plex0. six in volX/plex1. A drive fails in plexl. bur pool 1 contains only 72-Gigabyte spare disks. Data ONTAP will do which of the following?

Choose a 72-Gigabyte disk and downsize it
Choose a 72-Gigabyte disk and downsize it
Halt after 24 hours of running in degraded mode
Halt after 24 hours of running in degraded mode
Alert you that there are no 36-Gigabyte disks and wait for one to be inserted
Alert you that there are no 36-Gigabyte disks and wait for one to be inserted
Stop any applications that are running
Stop any applications that are running
Suggested answer: A
asked 23/09/2024
Hiren Patel
35 questions

Question 142


When cabling a standard storage appliance for SyncMirror. disk pool 1 volumes must be cabled to Fibre Channel adapter(s) located in what range of slots on the FAS960 appliance?

Slots 2 throii&h 5
Slots 2 throii&h 5
Slots 3 throuah 11
Slots 3 throuah 11
Slots 3 throuah 8
Slots 3 throuah 8
Slots S throuah 11
Slots S throuah 11
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
Shane Behrendt
35 questions

Question 143


The required hardware to add SyncMirror to an existing Clustered Failover system consists of:

Disk shelves and cluster interconnect
Disk shelves and cluster interconnect
Disk shelves, adapters and cabling
Disk shelves, adapters and cabling
Disk shelves and cabling
Disk shelves and cabling
Disk shelves and termination switches
Disk shelves and termination switches
Suggested answer: B
asked 23/09/2024
Trevor O'Brien
37 questions

Question 144


The two copies of a SyncMirror volume are called_______. Each______is a physical copy of the same file system and consists of one or more RAID groups.

plexes. plex
plexes. plex
volumes, volume
volumes, volume
qtrees. qtree
qtrees. qtree
snapshots, snapshot
snapshots, snapshot
Suggested answer: A
asked 23/09/2024
Leonelo Sanchez
27 questions

Question 145


Which one of the following commands would you use to rejoin the 'mil' volume with the 'mir(l)' volume?

vol mirror mir -v mir
vol mirror mir -v mir
vol mirror mir -c mir(l)
vol mirror mir -c mir(l)
vol mirror mil -v mir(l)
vol mirror mil -v mir(l)
vol minor mil -n mir(l)
vol minor mil -n mir(l)
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Bruno Colussi
25 questions

Question 146


You have determined that the failure to a MetroChister is a disaster. Which step should you take?

Ensure the surviving node is isolated from its partner.
Ensure the surviving node is isolated from its partner.
Force the surviving node to take over the functions of its partner.
Force the surviving node to take over the functions of its partner.
Remount the failed partners volume.
Remount the failed partners volume.
All of the above
All of the above
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
Jarrad Payne
36 questions

Question 147


When Data ONTAP creates a weekly, nightly, or hourly snapshot, the value of n (as shown by the UNIX Is command) is adjusted for all the weekly, nightly, or hourly snapshots. The higher the value of n. the_________the snapshot.

more important
more important
least important
least important
Suggested answer: B
asked 23/09/2024
Anthony Agbale
46 questions

Question 148


After you use SnapRestore to revert a volume to a specific snapshot,....

snapshots that are older than the snapshot you used to revert are deleted.
snapshots that are older than the snapshot you used to revert are deleted.
the storage appliance automatically performs a snapshot for that volume.
the storage appliance automatically performs a snapshot for that volume.
snapshots that are more recent than the snapshot you used to revert are deleted.
snapshots that are more recent than the snapshot you used to revert are deleted.
you must bring the volume back online.
you must bring the volume back online.
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
James Brion
37 questions

Question 149


Which option of the snap restore command allows you to specify a different directory, as long as the directory already exists?

snap restore -r
snap restore -r
snap restore -d
snap restore -d
snap restore -s
snap restore -s
snap restore -c
snap restore -c
Suggested answer: A
asked 23/09/2024
Abbas Ali
38 questions

Question 150


Identify the two SnapMirror commands that are entered on the destination storage appliance.

options snapmirror.access on
options snapmirror.access on
snapmirror release
snapmirror release
snapmirror initialize
snapmirror initialize
snapmirror resync
snapmirror resync
Suggested answer: C, D
asked 23/09/2024
Junan Kuah
36 questions
Total 243 questions
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