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Cisco 350-801 Practice Test 6

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What are two differences between media flow-around and media flow-through on cisco unified Border element? (Choose two.)

When using media flow-through, the call signaling and media are passed through the Cisco Unified Border Element

When using media flow-through, the call signaling and media are passed through the Cisco Unified Border Element

When using media flow-through, the call signaling goes through the Cisco Unified Border Element, but media is not passed through it.

When using media flow-through, the call signaling goes through the Cisco Unified Border Element, but media is not passed through it.

When using media flow-around. the call signaling goes through the Cisco Unified Border Element, but media is not passed through it

When using media flow-around. the call signaling goes through the Cisco Unified Border Element, but media is not passed through it

When using media flow-around, both call signaling and media do not go through the Cisco Unified Border Element

When using media flow-around, both call signaling and media do not go through the Cisco Unified Border Element

When using media flow-through, call signaling goes through the Cisco Unified Border Element but media does not

When using media flow-through, call signaling goes through the Cisco Unified Border Element but media does not

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Suggested answer: A, C
asked 10/10/2024
44 questions