ASIS CPP Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 51
List of questions
Question 501

A full evacuation of a building should be ordered upon receipt of a bomb threat when:
Question 502

Which of the following may be an indication of a planted bomb?
Question 503

If a kidnapper warns the family of the victim not to notify police, the best course of action is to:
Question 504

The ZYX Corporation is in the process of relocating its facilities after several years of planning. The president, who is well aware of the necessity for emergency planning, directs you as the security manager to draw up necessary plans to cope with natural disasters. Which of the following is not a valid assumption to be considered?
Question 505

A natural hazard that poses a threat to many areas of this country is a hurricane. As soon as the weather forecaster determines a particular section of the coast will feel the full effects of a hurricane, he issues a hurricane warning. Such a warning specifies which of the following?
Question 506

One natural disaster that seems to occur with increasing frequency is the tornado. It is necessary for the security manager to be knowledgeable regarding all aspects of tornados so that adequate disaster plans can be formulated. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Question 507

You are the security manager of the ZYW Corporation located in Phoenix, ArizonA.
A report is received from the national weather service that a tornado warning has been issued. Which of the following would be the correct action to take?
Question 508

As the security manager of a large corporation located in Southern California, you are charged with formulating a disaster plan to handle emergencies that arise as a result of earthquakes. Which of the following warnings to be issued to employees should not be included in the plan?
Question 509

Earthquakes constitute a definite concern to the emergency management responsibilities of security managers in certain areas of our country. Accordingly, it is incumbent upon security professionals to have a clear understanding of the basic facts concerning earthquakes. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
Question 510

Potential man-made disasters should be included when developing an emergency plan.
One of the most common man-made disasters is the plant fire. Which of the following is considered to be the most important aspect of plans for coping with major plant fires?