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Cisco 300-410 Practice Test 7

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What are two characteristics of IPv6 Source Guard? (Choose two.)

requires IPv6 snooping on Layer 2 access or trunk ports

requires IPv6 snooping on Layer 2 access or trunk ports

used in service provider deployments to protect DDoS attacks

used in service provider deployments to protect DDoS attacks

requires the user to configure a static binding

requires the user to configure a static binding

requires that validate prefix be enabled

requires that validate prefix be enabled

recovers missing binding table entries

recovers missing binding table entries

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Suggested answer: D, E

IPv6 Source Guard uses the IPv6 First-Hop Security Binding Table to drop traffic from unknown sources or bogus IPv6 addresses not in the binding table. The switch also tries to recover from lost address information, querying DHCPv6 server or using IPv6 neighbor discovery to verify the source IPv6 address after dropping the offending packet(s).Reference: https://blog.ipspace.net/2013/07/first-hop-ipv6-security-features-in.html

asked 07/10/2024
Ages Handriyanto
34 questions