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Cisco 350-601 Practice Test 3

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Which behavior defines streaming telemetry as a push model in Cisco devices?

Monitoring clients are pulling data from the network to see real-time statistics

Monitoring clients are pulling data from the network to see real-time statistics

JSON encoded telemetry data is transported using the gRPC protocol

JSON encoded telemetry data is transported using the gRPC protocol

The network devices send data in JSON or GPB format to configured endpoints

The network devices send data in JSON or GPB format to configured endpoints

Events and network changes generate telemetry data

Events and network changes generate telemetry data

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Suggested answer: C

Streaming telemetry as a push model in Cisco devices refers to the mechanism where network devices send data in JSON or GPB format to configured endpoints without being requested for such data. This contrasts with traditional pull models where monitoring clients request data from network devices.Reference: Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR v1.2)


asked 10/10/2024
German Lopez
43 questions