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Six Sigma ICBB Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 6

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Question 51


Upon completion and validation of an improvement to a process a Belt and the Project Team create a Control Plan that contains which of these?

Standard operating work description of the process change
Standard operating work description of the process change
Description of the monitoring system in place to assure continued compliance
Description of the monitoring system in place to assure continued compliance
Summary of the targeted critical metrics for process performance measurement
Summary of the targeted critical metrics for process performance measurement
All of the above
All of the above
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
Rui Afonso
29 questions

Question 52


What conclusion is most correct about the Experimental Design shown here with the response in the far right column?

Six Sigma ICBB image Question 52 72278 09232024004306000000

No factor has enough statistical confidence greater than 95% to have an impact on the response rate
No factor has enough statistical confidence greater than 95% to have an impact on the response rate
Constant, Adv and Bev are the only factors statistically affecting the response rate with 95% confidence or more
Constant, Adv and Bev are the only factors statistically affecting the response rate with 95% confidence or more
If the Adv is increased from the low level to the high level, the response rate increases
If the Adv is increased from the low level to the high level, the response rate increases
The response level is statistically concluded to only need the Adv and Bev factors set at the low level to get the largest response rate
The response level is statistically concluded to only need the Adv and Bev factors set at the low level to get the largest response rate
This design does not have enough experimental runs to conclude anything as evidenced by the lack of P-values in the MINITABTM output
This design does not have enough experimental runs to conclude anything as evidenced by the lack of P-values in the MINITABTM output
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
giulio guzzi
38 questions

Question 53


Which statement(s) are correct about the Factorial Plot shown here? (Note: There are 3 correct answers).

Six Sigma ICBB image Question 53 72279 09232024004306000000

When the cutting speed increased from low to high level, the tool age increases
When the cutting speed increased from low to high level, the tool age increases
The coefficient of the metal hardness is positively related to the output of tool age
The coefficient of the metal hardness is positively related to the output of tool age
The coded coefficient is lower for cutting speed than the cutting angle related to the output of tool age
The coded coefficient is lower for cutting speed than the cutting angle related to the output of tool age
These plots prove a statistically significance factor with 95% confidence
These plots prove a statistically significance factor with 95% confidence
These plots are an example of interaction plots
These plots are an example of interaction plots
Suggested answer: A, B, C
asked 23/09/2024
Stašo Zver
35 questions

Question 54


How many experimental runs exist in a Full Factorial and fully randomized design for 4 factors with 2 replicates for the Corner Points and no Center Points? The factors in the experiment are only at 2-levels.

Suggested answer: B
asked 23/09/2024
Ioana Mihaila
21 questions

Question 55


If an experiment has 5 factors and no replicates for a 2-level Experimental Design with 16 experimental runs which statement is incorrect?

The Experimental Design is half-fractional
The Experimental Design is half-fractional
The Main Effects are confounded with only 4-way interactions
The Main Effects are confounded with only 4-way interactions
The Main Effects for the 5 factors are not aliased or confounded but the 2-way interactions are confounded with the 3-way interactions
The Main Effects for the 5 factors are not aliased or confounded but the 2-way interactions are confounded with the 3-way interactions
The experiment has 8 experimental runs with the first factor at the high level
The experiment has 8 experimental runs with the first factor at the high level
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Sergio da Costa
35 questions

Question 56


Which statement(s) are correct about the Pareto Chart shown here for the DOE analysis? (Note: There are 2 correct answers).

Six Sigma ICBB image Question 56 72282 09232024004306000000

It is unknown from this graph how many factors were in the Experimental Design
It is unknown from this graph how many factors were in the Experimental Design
The factors to keep in the mathematical model are E, D, DE, BD and B with an alpha risk equal to 2.06
The factors to keep in the mathematical model are E, D, DE, BD and B with an alpha risk equal to 2.06
The effects to keep in the mathematical model are E, D, DE, BD and B with an alpha risk equal to 0.05
The effects to keep in the mathematical model are E, D, DE, BD and B with an alpha risk equal to 0.05
The factors to keep in the mathematical model with a 5% alpha risk are BE, AB, A and AD
The factors to keep in the mathematical model with a 5% alpha risk are BE, AB, A and AD
Suggested answer: A, C
asked 23/09/2024
Jean-Gaetan Roche
31 questions

Question 57


Fractional Factorial, ____________and Response Surface Method are types of planned experiments.

Multi-Vari Analysis
Multi-Vari Analysis
Baldridge Channels
Baldridge Channels
One Factor at a Time or OFAT
One Factor at a Time or OFAT
Factorial Design
Factorial Design
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
Andrey Scherbakov
39 questions

Question 58


Relative to a Design of Experiments the term ________________ refers to variables being a linear combination of each other.

Mirror Image
Mirror Image
Directly Parallel
Directly Parallel
None of the above
None of the above
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Ayo dickson
50 questions

Question 59


Which statement(s) are incorrect about Fractional Factorial Designs?

A Half Fractional Design for 5 factors has the same number of experimental runs as a Full Factorial Design for 4 factors assuming no repeats or replicates or Center Points
A Half Fractional Design for 5 factors has the same number of experimental runs as a Full Factorial Design for 4 factors assuming no repeats or replicates or Center Points
Quarter Fractional experiments can exist for those with 4 factors
Quarter Fractional experiments can exist for those with 4 factors
Resolution V design is desired while controlling costs of experimentation
Resolution V design is desired while controlling costs of experimentation
Half Fractional experiments do not exist for those designs with only 2 factors
Half Fractional experiments do not exist for those designs with only 2 factors
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Pierre Smit
41 questions

Question 60


If in an experiment all possible variable pairs sum to zero the design is Orthogonal.

Suggested answer: A
asked 23/09/2024
Slawomir Marcjanski
28 questions
Total 369 questions
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