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Cisco 200-301 Practice Test 8

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How does HSRP provide first hop redundancy?

It load-balances traffic by assigning the same metric value to more than one route to the same destination m the IP routing table.

It load-balances traffic by assigning the same metric value to more than one route to the same destination m the IP routing table.

It load-balances Layer 2 traffic along the path by flooding traffic out all interfaces configured with the same VLAN.

It load-balances Layer 2 traffic along the path by flooding traffic out all interfaces configured with the same VLAN.

It forwards multiple packets to the same destination over different routed links n the data path

It forwards multiple packets to the same destination over different routed links n the data path

It uses a shared virtual MAC and a virtual IP address to a group of routers that serve as the default gateway for hosts on a LAN

It uses a shared virtual MAC and a virtual IP address to a group of routers that serve as the default gateway for hosts on a LAN

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asked 07/10/2024
Olugbenga Fagbohun
44 questions